4 Quotes & Sayings By Shahriar Mandanipour

Shahriar Mandanipour is a German-Iranian author. He's the author of "A Decade in Tehran", a nonfiction book about his experiences in Iran, which was nominated for the 2016 Independent Book Award in the memoir category. Shahriar is currently living in Berlin, where he is working on his second book, about Iran's political and cultural evolution since the revolution of 1979.

I was afflicted with a familiar attack of discovering my own loneliness. From time to time I suffer this emotional attack, especially when I am happy, when I have succeeded at something, and on those rare occasions when I am pleased with myself. Immediately, a gentle and soothing sorrow engulfs my entire being. Shahriar Mandanipour
Although my work is to grapple with words, I have no words with which to describe and explain this feeling. Perhaps I write stories to show that in life there are moments, emotions, and events that cannot be explained with words. Shahriar Mandanipour
The familiar song of a night-singing nightingale rises from somewhere in the garden. A nightingale that in this season of cold should not be in the garden, a nightingale that in a thousand verses of Iranian poetry, in the hours of darkness, for the love of a red rose and in sorrow of its separation from it, has forever sung and will forever sing. Shahriar Mandanipour